List of free software

List of free software

There is a lot of free software out there. Sometimes it may be hard to find the right tools for the right purpose. Here is a list of the best freeware and open source tools I could find.

AudioFlaconWindows, macOS, LinuxAudio converter for FLAC
AudioAudioBookBindermacOSAudioBookBinder creates audio books in m4b
AudioAudacityWindows, macOS, LinuxRecord, cut and export audio files
BackupDriveImage XMLWindowsCreate system backups on windows
BrowserFirefoxWindows, macOS, LinuxAnother open source browser
DataImgBurnWindowsBurn and create optical disc images
DataVirtual CloneDriveWindowsMount disc images like iso
DeveloperDBeaverWindows, macOS, LinuxUniversal database manager for developers
GraphicsKritaWindows, macOS, LinuxPainting program similar to Adobe Photoshop
GraphicsdarktableWindows, macOS, LinuxEditing RAW photos of digital cameras
GraphicsInkscapeWindows, macOS, LinuxEditing vector graphics (SVG, etc.)
GraphicsIrfanViewWindowsImage viewer supporting many formats
GraphicsPaint.NETWindowsPainting program similar to Adobe Photoshop
GraphicsBlenderWindows, macOS, Linux3D modelling software
GraphicsGimpWindows, macOS, LinuxPainting program similar to Adobe Photoshop
NetworkFileZillaWindows, macOS, LinuxFTP client (server also available)
NetworkPuTTYWindowsSSH client for Windows
NetworkTunnelblickmacOSGraphical OpenVPN client for macOS
NetworkMicrosoft RDPmacOSRemote Desktop connections (RDP) on macOS
NetworkAdiummacOSMessenger supporting many protocols
OfficeLibreOfficeWindows, macOS, LinuxOffice suite similar to Microsoft Office
OfficeTextMatemacOSFast and powerful native text editor for macOS
OfficeNotepad++WindowsFast and powerful native text editor for Windows
SecurityKeePassWindowsPassword manager
SecurityMacPassmacOSNative password manager supporting KeePass databases on macOS
SecurityVeracryptWindows, macOS, LinuxContainer and system encryption - successor of Truecrypt
GamesOpenEMUmacOSConsole emulator with impressing intuitive user interface
GamesBoxermacOSEmulator for DOS games
SystemEtreCheckmacOSSystem check and error analysis
System7zipWindowsFile compression software supporting many formats
SystemKekamacOSFile compression software supporting many formats
SystemSpectaclemacOSApp window manager to move windows to the right place
SystemmuCommanderWindows, macOS, LinuxFile manager similar to Total Commander
SystemTeamViewerWindows, macOS, LinuxRemote access and remote control software
SystemO&O ShutUp10WindowsAnti spy / telemetry software for Windows 10
SystemCCleanerWindowsCleanup software to remove temporary files
SystemVirtualBoxWindows, macOS, LinuxVirtualization software
SystemSpeedFanWindowsHardware control software (temperature, fan speed, etc.)
SystemNoteBook FanControlWindowsFan speed control to reduce noise
VideoVLC media playerWindows, macOS, LinuxVideoplayer supporting many formats
VideoKodiWindows, macOS, LinuxComplete mediacenter solution supporting audio, video, photo, games and more
VideoShotcutWindows, macOS, LinuxPowerful video editing software
Andreas Fuhrich avatar
About Andreas Fuhrich
I’m a professional software developer and tech enthusiast from Germany. On this website I share my personal notes and side project details. If you like it, you could support me on github - if not, feel free to file an issue :-)